At The Mercy Of A Bus Driver In The City By RoseAnn V. Shawiak
Walking sidewalks of the city, following their lengthy paths to stores, homes and bus stops.
Tirelessly each day – waiting in the heat with very little shade, if any.
Invariably late, schedules rendered useless, appointments missed.
Bus drivers themselves worn out from driving and stopping in the heat.
Reluctantly answering questions, at times claiming they don’t know; to look it up in the bus book because that’s what they’re for.
Rudeness abounds, tempers flare, fuel is poured on smoldering fires, causing an entire busload of people to be angry, while the bus driver drives his route of power, not stopping when people want to get off and riding by others waiting for him.
Such is the day for a patron of public transportation – at the mercy of inhospitable drivers in Phoenix, Arizona.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.