Australia Day Poem
By Francis Duggan
Many indigenous Australians say the government should change the date
So that all Australians united can celebrate
As a proud and unified people on Australia Day
That change can be for the better does seem true to say
Many Australian indigenous people to January the twenty sixth as Invasion Day refer
Another day for celebrating their Country they would much prefer
Their ancestors had suffered so much at the occupation of their Land
That their disappointment at the celebrations of January the twenty sixth not hard to understand
Since many of their ancestors in massacres died
The day of the occupation of their country by Europeans to them no sense of pride
For their disappointment at the day Australins celebrate them one can hardly blame
Since January the twenty sixth in their minds is a day of shame
A day that the nationalists and patriots waving their flags to the town and city parks throng
In the mood for drinking and eating, dancing, music and song
But many of Australia’s first people do not join them for to celebrate
Which they certainly would if the government for Australia Day changed the date.