Blasting a Kidney Stones

By Paul

Twas the week before Christmas, I’d nothing to bemoan.
They said “Out-patient” surgery, gonna blast a kidney stone.
I had little to worry. They’d go right in…come right out.
Recovery might hurt. Might need to skip the Holiday Stout.
Dr. Lauren seemed confident.
Both professional and prudent.
An eager young Urologist. No longer a student.
She’d go after this rock with multiple zaps!
Said this stalagmite could break hospital stats!

The Doc grabbed her laser-scope. She aimed it precisely,
Finally breaking said crustacean into 8 pieces…. nicely!
They’d roll down the organ quite painfully…Oh pity me.
Escaping the grasps of my ailing kidney!

Suddenly they stopped, lost the tunnel’s end light.
The path towards my bladder was no longer in sight.
The stent that they used to invade my down under.
Had decided to move and go somewhere of wonder.
They’d find the missing artifact way up in my tunnel.
‘Said I’d need further surgery to pluck out this funnel.

Six days would then pass before I returned to the table.
They found the loose unit and I’d awaken quite stable.
However, in order to capture Stent 1’s simple rescue.
They’d inserted another…Calling this one Stent-2.
The pathway was now open for the stones to escape.
I believe they’re all out. I’ll keep you up to date.

Now feeling much better I’ve returned to my writing.
Missed the Holiday poem which I thought was exciting.
So, if you’re blasting a stone, keep your stents within view.
Wishing this upon no one. Does this make stents to you?
My urologist exclaimed after pondering……yes thinking.
“You know your prostrates enlarged. Let’s think about shrinking.”

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