Brooklyn, New York Poem

By Rashidah Writs

new york is my hometown
its the place to be
from how my country friends hear it
they need to see to believe

playing doubledutch on the sidewalk all night
watching the boys getting into dum street fights
from going to the mall to shop til you drop
to seeing all of your friends at the nostrand ave. bus stop

its where all the celebrities come for fun
and we hang out on the beach {although we have little sun}
new york is where there’s the noise, the lights, the action
and there’s always something to do
walking past the brownstone backyard dumpsters and yelling
if you ask me i rate new york as the top
to the empire state building to my very own crowded brooklyn block.

All the excitement and fortune, you just cant get enough
Visit NYC and youll without a doubt, raise it as a plus!
I love NY and ill never put it down
When i have to leave to come back home; my face always has a frown
Because I’ve always had New York passion from the start
I love Brooklyn, New York with all my heart!