Color Memory Of Smell

By Simrita Dhir

It’s a large California grapefruit
Flaming orange on the outside
Ruby red segments inside

I stare before biting into it
Its juicy sweetness mingling with the
Tart memory of Grandpa’s yellow Indian grapefruit

A grapefruit is a grapefruit is a grapefruit
It’s not a mango
It’s eaten for benefit everyone says

Orange ruby red yellow
Colors explode in my head
Grandpa coughing up stories of World War-II

Of battles won and skirmishes lost
Of a river that turned ruby red
Life hanging in the balance

Does memory have benefit
Does color
Do the both of them together

I hold the grapefruit close
It smells of wild lilies and resilience clean paper and courage
It smells of today

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