
By Xx3 Mikki

Look at yourself in the mirror
I’d love to see you try.
The whole world knows you can’t,
And yet- you wonder why.

Your two faces can’t decide,
And they fight over who will prevail.
Through this daily fight they will determine
What details your life will entail.

One face is friendly and caring,
Laughing and smiling all day.
But I’ve learned when this face is in power,
There is something else coming my way.

Your other face- rude and unbearing,
Screaming and shouting all day.
Our friends don’t believe when I tell them,
Because they’ve never seen you this way.

Look at yourself in the mirror.
You’ll see your two faces some day.
Try not to be scared, deny, and run from it,
It will find you.

The truth is funny that way.