Faithing With My Tidal Power By Hokis
Truth exists
in the inebriated scream
rising from the cave
man’s soul.
I hear, most often,
A lonely, mournful howl and
Shame-inoculated raging whispers.
With a humble drop of my shoulder’s chip,
nestled as the distant moon,
I realize the power this fraught
cycle brings to man’s toxic stalagmite-
encrusted insides.
The mazed cave of secrets fills.
Toxic drink floods,
a sweet detoxifying tsunami for
the shadowed soul.
It is now time for me to go,
to camouflage against blue sky.
The sun is rising, and
it is light’s time.
I am still here, out in full,
even when in parts –
Faithing with my tidal powers.
Steadied by a universal knowing-
intoxicating rays of pure sunlight
invite the belly cave
close enough to the edge of safety,
relinquishing control to the imagination.
Once a cave, now a star-lit pore
on the surface of man’s already
beautiful, canvased skin.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.