Famine Poem

By Lee Degnan

The world is full of unhappy places,
For only the rich can stuff their faces…
Africa, to be most specific,
has food supply no-so -terrific
Babies, kids, adults alike
are hit with hunger’s strike
With not enough food to go around,
famine haunts another town.

And in these times of
Death, Hunger,
Famine, Depression
The Dark Continent
Scarred by Europe
Turns to regression
People need help
finding food
Life is tough.
The Red Cross is there
Because they care
But is it enough?

Kill the farmers
leaving little
for the harvestors.
As many as 38 million Africans living under
the threat of starvation
And each 30 seconds, an African child
dies of hunger.
Lack of food,
Greatest elimination.
Child’s cries
Loud as thunder

And in these times of
Death, Hunger,
Famine, Depression,
The Dark Continent
Scarred by Europe
Turns to regression.
People need help
finding food.
Life is tough.
The Red Cross is there
because they care
but is it enough?

Desolate wastelands,
Death is at hand,
children shout.
People are dying
Who’s there to help? ?
No one!
Cares only for their wealth.

And in these times of
Death, Hunger,
Famine, Depression,
The Dark Continent
Scarred by Europe
Turns to regression
People need help
finding food.
Life is tough.
The Red Cross is there
because they care….
But is it enough?

… Not nearly enough.