Huntington's Disease

By Jasmine Miller

Day by day, you slowly faded away
There was nothing we could do to stop it
You were slowly losing yourself
And I was slowly losing my best friend

A terrible disease was destroying you
It took a piece of you each day
Leaving you with less time to be alive
It tore your life away and it took away mine too

This disease known as Huntington’s disease
The disease that took you away from life
It slowly killed you and it killed me too
Your body gave up and that was it

No more shared laughs, smiles, tears
No more good or bad days
No more time with the ones you loved
It just took you away in an instant

If I had three wishes, I’d use them on you
I’d wish Huntington’s disease never existed
I’d wish that you’d still be here
I’d wish to finally talk to you again

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