I Feel Like A Ghost

By Chris Burns

I am present yet, I feel invisible.
I am flesh and bone yet they do not see me.

As I walk about, my thoughts flow like the sea,
but my message seems uncanny.

I am called a liar and crazy,
They say I am ungodly and they are unsure.

I feel like a ghost who cannot take it anymore.
trapped in this world

Trying to figure it out.
I scream on the inside

At the top of my lungs
My heart sings a song that needs to be sung.

I see beauty in ALL,
I do not hate, I see a united universe

One that does not discriminate. My emotions run wild
My soul is soaring high.

I speak the truth, yet they call it a lie.
In this human body I was born

To make a change a difference, to even the score.
Alone soul on this planet called earth

Attempting to jump start an idea I know will work.
You do not listen, you do not even try.

If you cannot see it with your eye,
Then it must be a lie…

The old way is done, it is over and through.
Tell me where did the old way get you?

A new being is rising up.
Our levels are heightend.

You push away what you do not know.
You react with fear and do not lead

With Love.

As a ghost wanders the darkness at night,
So I walk in this world,

But with my light shining bright.
In order to see a light, you must have the dark.

But, you see this darkness is what is ripping us apart.
The idea that we are separate and not one,

The idea that something always has to be won.
The idea that I am up here and you are bellow.

All of this nonsense must go!!
But again, these words will never be heard,

because you fear what you do not know.
I speak from truth and love

I write these words from above.
I feel like a ghost in a room full of people.

They walk through me laugh and glare.
…Will humanity ever get there?…

Misunderstood is my common theme, yet I still look
to the sky and ask that my light beam.

I stand for an ideal a new beginning
because the old was not winning.

Do not go through life unaware and blind.
Do not live in FEAR and worry.

Let your light shine let it be known you choose
to be happy and free!

Yet this message is meant for those who will hear it,
I know you who do not want to see, that is fine,

…This then is not your reality.
Do you hear my voice?

Or do I just express that which you do not understand?
Do you see me as a ghost?

Or am I accepted as a fellow man?
I live in a world divided in two,

Simply put the old and the new.
I feel like my soul is trying to soar,

but at times it feels nailed to the floor.
I feel like a ghost roaming the dark midnight halls

I hear the whispers of those who can not see me
At all.

I enter a room full of people laughing with joy,
It looks like a great place to join.

As I walk around, no eye contact is made,
I feel empty.

They walk through me as they rush to their friends…
I feel like a ghost

But this feeling does not come from within.

A ghost in this world is what I maybe…
A ghost is someone or something you cannot see.

All thought my physical body does reside here,
My soul belongs to a higher level

one that is amazing and true.
This is why I feel like a ghost,

because I am trying to bring this to you.
You do not understand what you do not know.
You cannot fathom what I say as truth.
To you it is blasphemy.

I ask, before a baby can walk it only knows
how to crawl,

does this child then condemned the idea of walking?
NO it does not, it is hesitant yet curious…

It puts one foot in front of the other, and the rest
is glorious.

Humanity we are all still crawling we need to get up!
put one foot in front of the other and rise!

Enough with the lies and deceit, enough living a life
where ends do not meet.

Stop the hate for race or ethnicity.

For pure beauty and diversity!
This hierarchy of power must crumble to the ground.

We are more powerful than we have ever known!
As a baby bird must fall before it can fly

It must leave the nest before it can soar.
So must humanity, it is time to open another door.

Do you see me yet? Or am I still
just a whisper…

A tingling on the back of your neck that you ignore…
Will you walk through and claim me as invisible?

Are you too worried about leaving what you know?
and letting your emotions rule you?

I feel like a ghost.