I Your Husband Who Have Fallen

By Anonymous

I, your husband, who have fallen,
Once your friend, how far I’ve strayed.
Every holy oath I’ve broken,
And your sacred trust betrayed.

I cannot endure this anguish,
And my soul is sick with grief.
I have lost all hope or courage,
I’ve abandoned all belief.

This travail began so simply,
As I shared another’s lust.
And, too soon, I found more pleasure,
In my flesh than in your trust.

On and on I sinned, not blindly,
Ever faster did I fall.
I ignored how each new failing,
Hurt and harmed the Lord of all.

So I lied and tricked and cheated,
That you would not see my sin.
And each time you asked or offered,
I concealed the vice within.

I must leave you in my error,
I must go my separate way.
For my treachery would shame you,
Even if you bid me stay.

I cannot abide your goodness,
I can never love again.
And I only hope that death
Will signify a final end.

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