Kumutsiland By Babangoni Wala Chisala
in retrospection uploading memories of injustices
Our democracy is naked and incomplete
Indeed People voted in darkness
And Justice is mockery to humanity as elections are mere rubber-stamps for
manipulated justice
Cause selfishness, greed, nepotism, racism and lies these qualities of inhumanity are
now the vital guiding principles for our Governments today
The glory of our thinking is selfishness
The pride of our heart is against human progress and development
The depth of our conscience is the addiction of money against love of humanity
Our mind sniffles hatred, suppression and oppression of the poor
Which imprison them to poverty and force them to survive on fresh air and little
garbage spiced with husks
Corruption is our lifestyle, nothing can be gained despite it being a password
Our universities are kindergarten for elders, it’s graduates are pure savage filled with
brutality and theoretic pride but practically empty
Our prisons and police cells are pure graveyards for artificial deaths
Our security and judicial systems are umbrellas for sacred offenders
Though our constitution outdated but remains presidential diary where he writes and
deletes his personal wishes
The prowess of our politics is unemployment, hyper inflation, cruelty, intimidations
and bloodsheds
Poets and writers are real designers and architecture of all social and political
incidents as they watch the triumph of poverty, hunger, and inhumanities in their
prime docility and in praising mediocrity
Kumutsimen do not misle with people full of immunities even from mental diagnosis
So long as dictators sick and dies flesh to flesh, ashes to ashes the power they abuse
over the people shall be determined by the people themselves no matter how long it
will take, victory is on our side and the fruit of this nation belongs to all of us
Not one people or group of them
Since I can see that one day this nation will rise up above as deluge of horrific
waters that blow heavily from all corners and conquer the idiocy of maldemocratic
governance, breaking apart the fierce statue of selfishness, greed and dictatorship
Then next morning our nation shall reappear in the dawn of the sun smile greeting all the
people with the precious mind of freedom and equalities
As unlineable rights blow sharply like a morning breeze over the breast of this nation
Our destitute sons and daughters shall be fed on her spilled milk
And we shall all be called equal in fairness, all today’s sufferings shall remain history
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.