Money By Goretti Ogo
Root of all evil,
Doesn’t buy everything,
Not everything,
That’s all you hear when it’s mentioned.
Gap between the rich and the poor,
Not everything and yet can do nothing without it.
The rich cries out to it like Oliver Twist,
The poor can’t do without pronouncing it’s name.
Renamed by the church with different titles;
Offering, Tithe, Launching, Harvest and bazaar.
Having it comes with troubles,
But not having it means more trouble.
The most wanted criminal,
Has different dictions in the constitution;
Theft, embezzlement, robbery, corruption.
Even a new born learns maths with it.
Good or bad,
Rich or poor,
Old or young,
We seek one thing in common; MONEY!
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.