My Dear Bahrain

By Khadooj Al-Taitoon

Hello, My Dear Kingdom Bahrain, Why are you so beautiful? Why do you amaze me with every move? Why are you so small? Yet…You are so big to me Smile You’re so big, so beautiful and so amazing ***** My Dear Bahrain I’m proud to be Bahraini I’m proud to live in a Muslim country I’m proud to live in a country with kind people Because I’m proud to live in you In fact, I’m grateful because l live in this extraordinary country ***** My Dear Bahrain I hope that you stay forever in my heart I hope that l stay forever in your heart I also hope that you will be bigger one day… That way my love will be bigger for you… And that way l will write a longer poem only for you… Just to show you how amazing you are… My Dear Bahrain ***** My Dear Bahrain We will never forget your weather Yes, maybe l got burned by your sun But your sun, gave me power, It gave me the power to stand up… Stand up and speak up… Speak up and tell everybody what l feel towards you… My Dear Bahrain ***** I love you Bahrain Stay forever and always in me Because l will stay forever and always in you My Dear Bahrain ****