
By William Yancey Erwin

Ohio! Ohio! Ohio!
A name that my heart ever thrills.
Her mines and her forests of timber
Give work for her foundries and mills.
Her rivers and streamlets add beauty
To landscapes of clover and grain;
And stock of all kinds, even poultry,
Increases each husbandman’s gain.
Ohio! Ohio! Ohio!
The home of the true and the brave;
When life and its labors are over,
Give me in thy bosom a grave.
Her sons and her daughters are happy,
· Secure from tern pta tion and care;
They drink of her crystall ine water
Instead of vile whiskey and beer;
When rights of the nation are threaten’d,
Ohio comes boldly to front
With money and men and munitions,
To bear in each battle the brunt.