On Dragonfly Wings

By Maggie Mc Carney

I awakened in the dawn hours,
In a space between
Dreams and conscious awareness,
To witness two of these winged beauties
Casting shadows on the ceiling above

Their presence extending
An invitation to find patience and peace,
To withdraw, nymph-like, from the world.

Cocooning into an internal space
And await a time when it is safe
To rise with wings outstretched
With joy and light –

An opportunity to delve into the depths
Of long-held emotions,
To gain clarity and insight,
Releasing all illusion.

Accessing fragility….and out of this,
Finding strength and agility.

The luminosity of their wings
Spoke of a brighter, more colourful world,
One evolving and emerging
When this isolation is complete.

Will the distancing – now occurring –
In time, bring a closeness and joy
We have all yearned for?

Beautiful totems of transformation,
Carry us on your wings
To our highest potential.

So that we may live
In this beautiful world
As the true loving spirits
That we are.

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