On The Great Judgement Day

By Gert Strydom

When Jesus does return and the trumpet of God does sound
on the great judgement day this world will tremble
and each eye will see Him with his presence everywhere,

everyone will see Him for who and what he really is.
Lucifer is the one who does devour everything
with his deeds, his words coming to full meaning

and he who could seduce and astonish the whole world
will suddenly loose all of his power and courage.
When Jesus does return and the trumpet of God does sound

then there is forgiveness for those who do know Him,
as His love is selfless and absolute.
Lucifer is the one, who does devour everything,

who stands malignant and jealous against him.
Every person will know that the omnipotent God does live
and each eye will see Him with his presence everywhere,

when He does make all things new,
even the dead will hear His call,
as His love is selfless and absolute.

He makes the earth again his property
when in the height he does glide with his angels.
When Jesus does return and the trumpet of God does sound

even Lucifer will call upon the mountains to cover him
as even he will realize that God is coming in righteousness,
even the dead will hear His call

and they will rise from the graves.
To those that worship Him, His righteousness will cling
and each eye will see Him with his presence everywhere,

the power of the prince of darkness will fail as being insignificant
and before Jesus Christ the redeemer and God he will bow
as even he will realize that God is coming in righteousness.

Lucifer will not be able to disguise his own guilt and shame
and he will recognize Jesus as the God sublime
when Jesus does return and the trumpet of God does sound
and each eye will see Him with his presence everywhere,

when the redeemed do sing rejoicing.
Everyone will see Him for who and what he really is
and before Him every person shall bow
with His deeds, His words coming to full meaning.

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