Path To Peace

By Heidi Sands

I have fought through incredible things
Trauma and all kinds of life experiences
One may think peace comes to one easy
But it doesn’t, as the years I have witnessed
Faith kept me going and my fight for survival
Staying authentic no matter what the issue is
Also what I believe in and standing by truth
All this can sound easy, but it is not always so
It is faith and the will to make it all happen
I have seen treacherous things done to others
That hit me deeply, wishing there is not cruelty
But there is a lot of it in the world out there
Unless we all try to do better still, as we can
— I have fought and I have failed—
— I have fought and I have succeeded —
Up and down this road traveled in life will be
The consistency remains with who I am inside
To do the best I can through the journey I have
As we are true to ourselves, we are true to others
— I learn the reward is to be earned —
— From genuine LOVE comes peace —

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