
By James George

For most of my life, I did without them.
Couches and chairs were more than adequate.
Barely worn, they were as I was too busy to sit down.

Along came old age, and needed was a reading chair.
The chair with an ottoman was also useful for writing.
A good writing chair reinforces good posture.

In the front room, where couches live, many visitors come.
Everyone gathers around to talk about art and politics.
Enjoyable is looking out the window at the Sycamore Creek.

We decided that maybe it’s time to get recliners.
We looked for them for months before narrowing our choices.
She couldn’t decide, though I wanted a chair for the holidays.

Not wanting to be sneaky, but to avoid complications, I placed an order for a chair in the fabric she approved. “I see you have ordered a chair,” she said as she got the digital receipt.

“Oh yes, in color, you approved.”
“Well, let’s see it.” I obliged.
“Oh no, not traditional,” she exclaimed!

“Can you cancel the order?”
“It has already shipped.”
“We can send it back,” she said.

Next, she proceeded to order a chair she liked.
I looked at it and wondered about the color and fabric.
Her’s was modern.

Today, my chair arrived, and it is lovely and comfortable.
She agreed it was acceptable and is sitting in it now.
Her chair will likely arrive in a few days.

We’re not sending them back.
We’ll have two recliners, and there will be competition about
who gets to sit where.