
By Showkat Ahmad Wani

The statues go down, melt in part by part
At firstly stroke of sun on face of hope,
Were chiselled clear by idle life of trust;
Thy sense, thy words, thy map, thy all at melt
As frozen ice with sojourn life of rest
That sways in air with waft of wings to die;
As forlorn kite among the violent winds
On trust of thread that goes to bow and kiss
The earthly dust to be her crust from then;
Thee, let not fall beneath thy fallen-self,
And let not bow below thy inner worth.
Thee, Star! Not let you dip in darkest sea
And gulp thy ‘Self’ down drop by drop in night,
Let feel thy light to light the darkest darks,
And stay at zenith high, for star is star.
Thee, let not bow eternal beams to die,
And let not duck thy head to dirty stone,
Since rock can’t change thy path of being to go,
Let fall not all thy treasure-self to dust.
Now, rise above from rocks of stoop to faith
Of glow in inner nerve, defy to be.
Thee, break these statues-old to carve thee new;
Divorce the trust to get the nerve of firm,
And mash thy This to craft thy Will of will.