
By Denise Larkin

For years I ignored your face
For years I did not want to believe what you did
For years I ignored your malice
For years I ignored your theft
For years I crumbled beneath your young splendid face
And wondered why you greedily devoured our fate.

You stole something valuable
But now you should make amends
You pushed someone willingly into disgrace
You cannot ignore the depth of malice
A definite occurrence without a thought
You took from loved ones
You saddened their hearts
And left them to crumble.

Ignorance isn’t going to make peace.
Ignore the stranger’s voice.
Instead, stick to loved ones
Not the stranger that sits in your space
Haggling for greed,
Taking from us
Without a care
For who we are or where we are.

Time to make peace
And give up what you stole
Share your greed
Like it was meant to be.
Because the laid to rest
Can see and hear
Your vindictiveness,
Your viciousness,
A righteous uplift
A greedy, growing,

Goodness must occur
Pureness must endure.

They say badness occurs
On those who steal.
Greediness is an evil
A curse on your soul
Unless you release its menace.

It is time to realize what you did.
To give up and give in to its relish,
Crept prowling
Within your scornful, speckled mind.

Give up
Give in.
Do not dare to ignore
What you have become
As those who do
Never live happily.
Instead, they fail
And are attracted
To wickedness,
A fate
Chosen shamelessly.
A life of harshness
That will no doubt
Never leave your
Miserly, freckled soul.

Time to procure
And live a life
Free of theft.
Do not let it
Giving you a life
Of hardness and strife.

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