
By Harsha Godbole

A blood disorder, not a disease,

Keep in mind you all please.

There are some myths to be corrected,

We should come forward so that no one is neglected.

It is a disorder passed down through the family,

Which leads to the destruction of red blood cells rapidly.

Its symptoms are not shown until the age of six,

Only after that, we understand that body’s under risk.

There is excessive destruction of blood cells,

Which makes body anemic and pale.

Less production of hemoglobin,

Making you fatigued and thin.

Weakness, shortness of breath, yellow eyes,

Slow growth, abdominal swelling and its size.

Are some of the symptoms to keep in mind,

So that in treatment no one is left behind.

Avoid high iron foods like meat and leafy vegetables,

Have tea and vitamin C rich food in plentiful.

Frequent blood transfusion and chelation therapy,

Are some of the treatments very necessary.

Treat patients with thalassemia with kindness,

Make everyone aware of their fitness.

With proper nutrition and exercise,

They will live a long and blissful life.

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