The Fork In The Road

By Raleyk14

There’s not a moment that I think I’ve got it figured out.

I see the rays of hope behind the growing clouds of doubt.

And I cannot make sense of it as nobody else can.

I’ve got to follow all the rules, follow God’s plan.

I’m coming to a fork; which way do I go?

What each one will lead to, nobody will know.

One has a creepy forest with shadows all around.

The other has a meadow with flowers covering the ground.

But don’t let looks deceive you; that’s what I’ve come to learn.

Because when disaster strikes, you’ll realize that you missed your turn.

That forest led to freedom and wide open land.

The meadow filled with flowers that had thorns to prick your hand.

So when you’re coming to you forks, don’t pick the easy one.

Pick the one that when you’re through shows all the work you’ve done.