The Mole By Donna Caldwell
The blackness grew surrounding her mole
It grew in a cluster and looked like coal
Under her skin it just grew and grew
A mass of cells raging and very new
The mole on her skin was a part of her past
Like a tattoo at birth it was therefore cast
Lain on her skin it was only slight
Plus a few more were created from a great might
He gave her moles and He gave her skin
He gave her a material body to replenish in
He gave us the sun and also the sky
Use this wisely He would say with a sigh
Fierce sunshine surrounded her frame
It coursed through her body and created a chain
A chain so deadly it would flood her internal
Threatening her existence eternal
Clinging to each cell was a deadly force
From the pits of hell it would make it much worse
From the sun and this deadly machine
A life sentence for you from their deadly beam
No need to be vain you need to live
He gave you this life he wanted to give
Go check that mole and fight all you can
Remove those thoughts that you need a tan
A tanned daughter, sister or mother
You didn’t listen you did not cover
Now you’ve got cancer and I’m going to lose you
Those additional memories will now be a few
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.