The Soul Of Wine By Charles Baudelaire
One night, from bottles, sang the soul of wine:
‘0 misfit man, I send you for your good
Out of the glass and wax where I’m confined,
A melody of light and brotherhood!
I know you must, out on the blazing hill,
Suffer and sweat beneath the piercing rays
To grow my life in me, my soul and will;
I’m grateful to you, and I will not play
You false, since I feel joy when I can fall
Into the throat of some old working man,
And his warm belly suits me overall
As resting place more than cold cellars can.
And do you hear the songs that hope believes,
The Sunday music, throbbing from my breast?
Elbows on table, rolling up your sleeves
You praise me, and I’ll put your cares to rest;
I’ll fire the eyes of your enraptured wife;
I’ll grant a force and colour to your son,
And will for this frail athlete of life
Be oil that makes the straining muscles run.
My nectar falls in your fertility,
A precious seed whose Sower is divine,
So from our love is born rare poetry,
Thrusting towards God the blossom on its vine!’
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.