The Unknown By Harry Kemp

Here, under sacred ground,
The Unknown lies:
Dumb be the earth around
And dumb the skies
Before His laureled Fame—
Yea, let sublime
Silence conduct His Name
Unspelled, till Time,
Bowed with Eternity,
Goes back to God
Abandoning earth to be
At life’s last exequy
Man’s final clod….
Here, under sacred ground,
The Unknown lies:
Dim armies gather ’round
His sacrifice:
Kings, Princes, Presidents
Attest His worth:
The Generals bow before
His starry earth:
In the World’s heart inscribed
His love, his fame—
He leads the Captains with
His Unknown Name!

The Unknown By Harry Kemp Features In:


Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.


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