Voice Of The Silent Man By Thobo Tomeletso
I row and I row with a silent voice … voice of a silent man
Thunderstorm! Storm! and Lightning!
Cutting thoroughly through throats of ruffled families
Families of a mother
Families of a father
Silent voice of the Man
Fathers are no more fathers but feathers
Yes feathers to wipe the dust, dust due to unemployment
Unemployment is no empowerment so don’t undermine
A poor man who is to be a man to maintain a mandate to be a man
Voice of a silent man
From Human to Human and humiliation
Dishonesty Disorder to Destruction
Destruction to Deformation
Voice of the silent man
Make her not a punching bag Rather buy yourself a punching bag
No Woman No Human No Child is your punching bag
Gender equality is not gender inequality
Listen! The Silent Voice of a Baby crying
Babies are not substitute for baby mamas
React! Respond! Respect! Retrospect! And Be Responsible,
Yes, I’m talking Remedy to Rectify and End Gender Based Violence
Gender inequality is no base of comfort
The Time Is Now …… Now is the Time
Voice of a Silent man! Yes! Voice of a Silent Man
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.