Wish You Were Here You Are By Rachel Zucker

time isn’t the same for everyone there is
science behind this when you fly into space
you’re not experiencing time at the same rate
as someone tethered to Earth & someone
moving quickly experiences time at a slower rate
even on Earth so as I run through Central Park
at a speed not much faster than walking but slightly
I am shattering fields of time around me
& experiencing time differently from those I pass
I’m trying to comfort you you see you will die
but not at one particular speed last night I saw
my son’s adult self & in the same moment
toddler self this really happened he was playing
“Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd on his
electric guitar & feeling it he’s 11 & in between
two kinds of time on the verge of worlds I think
we are too you & I who are old young women
you’re wrong you know it’s not all ‘downhill
from here’ we are here you are & I am & this
beautiful moment our sons

Wish You Were Here You Are By Rachel Zucker Features In:


Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.


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