And So They Said

By Mary

And so they said
That we were mere fragments of a broken society
Blotches of imperfection tainting America’s dream
God’s punishment compromising our immunity

So we snapshot fear, frame our insecurities
Zoom in close so that the world can see that we are alive

Through Positive Eyes the view is beautiful and rare
Taking you where statistics can’t go
Deep inside our homes
Where stigma haunts mirrors
And ARVs strut with ego

Who knew that a photo could tell you stories
Of mothers who live for their children’s smile
Women full of strength and pride
Men who refuse to die
And youth who choose to be seen as well as heard

We say it loud
Spread the word

We are not fragments of a broken society
We are not blotches of imperfection tainting America’s dream
And it is not God’s punishment compromising our immunity
It’s HIV

We overcome fear through snapshots
Quiet our insecurities within each frame
Zoom in close so that the world can see that
We are very much alive and
Living normal lives
Telling our story Through Positive Eyes

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