Centennial By S. Theresa Wason
Our fathers’ God to Thee,
Enthroned in majesty
We humbly bow;
To thank Thee that this day
Recalls our childhood’s way,
Brings loved ones, far away,
To meet us now.
We’ll lay aside our creeds,
And will our fathers’ deeds
With marshaled hosts array,
And music’s grand display,
Our anniversary day
We’ll celebrate.
‘Twas our centennial sires,
Who kindled here the fires
Of peaceful homes;
That noble race of men,
Of serling worth undim’d,
We’ll love and honor them
While here we roam.
Their many virtues shine,
More bright as passing time
Bears us along;
And when life’s dreams are o’er,
We’ll walk the “Shining shore,”
And join them gone before,
In endless song.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.