Colorado Fall God's Masterpiece Poem

By Guy Dimitri Jagodinski

Eagerly awaking before the sun rises
I turn my alarm off and quickly get dressed
Time is running out
Hurrying I brew a thermos full of fresh coffee
Quickly I pack my saddlebags, grab my jacket and Stetson, sling the door shut and run to the barn to saddle my faithful horse
Ready and waiting for me She kneels
She is just as exited as I am
She knew we were running wide open
To the top of the ridge near my cabin
we arrive at our favorite spot
The sun’s rays began to lift the darkness
The moon AND STARS fade away
Slowly being replaced by cotton clouds gently floating in the great blue ocean
As the Sun crests above the mountains
The brush strokes of God’s hand masterfully brings to life a stunning panorama
The trees began to glow in gold red and orange colors
Leaves gracefully ripple above lush green and white backgrounds
Reflecting a beautiful mosaic on the lake
Below in the valley the majestic herd of Elk awaken in a field of tall silky waves of grass
The Royal bull begins to bellow his mighty call as several younger bulls join the chorus
Off in the distant horizon
A Golden Eagle screeches
This is the Colorado Fall
Every morning is like a new day
A day to experience God’s love
A day to remember that even though there is such ugliness in the world
There is still so much beauty
It is late and I know I must get back to the cabin
My faithful friend and I slowly ride together
We do not want to leave
Yet we do
I do not turn back for one last look
For I know I will be back next year
Emptying my pack I just realized I did not even drink my coffee