Fat Women Vs Skinny Women By Nathan Strange
Where does it end with the skinny women getting skinnier
and the fat women getting fatter
what’s going on in this world?
You’ve got different shapes and sizes
different diets and models
a bunch of unhappy fat women depressed because they are fat
and a bunch of skinny women unhappy because they are skinny
having one thing in common
they’re all comparing themselves
to skeletons and women they see as better than them…
They don’t realise that the true journey
is that of the mind
the inner journey
the only way to be happy
is to take the real journey
of meditation
the journey that leads to
self discovery
and real emotion
Give up the ghost and
see beyond
the demons of attraction
see yourself in the mirror of the mind
and defeat your worst enemy
Accept Yourself
Or live in FEAR!
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.