My Quiet Hours By Amos Russel Wells
Evening and morning and at noon will I pray. Ps 55:17
At evening, the labor done,
The frets departed with the sun,
The long night reaching out before,
I find in prayer an open door,
And entering where none intrude,
Rejoice in God’s kind solitude.
At morning, in the eager gray
Aquiver with the coming day,
Strong from the bath of calm repose
To toil with friends or fight with foes,
I pause upon the threshold there,
And win a Helper with a prayer.
At noon, amid the jostling crowd,
The snarling clamor shrill and loud,
Within the throng I find again
That spot undesecrate of men,
And on the ground by thousands trod
Am blessedly alone with God!
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.