Skeletons In The Closet Poem

By Edwina Reizer

Who of us can say that we’ve left
Nothing behind?
All hidden away, nothing to find?
Left in closets that no one can see,
And has it really left you free?

No one knows what they are, save you.
And you can keep them out of view.
Or can you?
Maybe they’re acts from long ago
That you don’t want anyone to know.
Or maybe they’re secret desires
You’ve had,
That if ever known would make you look bad.

Whatever they are, they don’t go away.
They shake. They rattle and start to decay
Like skeletal bones, long overdue
To be ashes, rid of, finally through.

And so the closets filled with these
Are the reminders that never go.
They stick around like glue to you,
Those skeletons that you know.