The Almost Apocalypse
By Marsha Warren Mittman
when all was so bleak that darkness started
to completely swallow us the world conspired
to remind us who we are
by creating a catastrophe
to teach us not to despair to show us the good
inherent within each of us
ignoring the posturing
bickering lagging of governments blind politicos and news agendas
people themselves took wing they rose as one to help
each other and set examples
to raise spirits and offer hope
a groundswell of compassion
and determination not seen for ages took root on this planet
to anchor a new vibration
a groundswell that focused
on cooperation aid love
rather than divisiveness denial greed ignoring the posturing
bickering lagging of governments blind politicos and news agendas
and we soon came to realize the real apocalypse
the true apocalypse
was our suffocating past
that was tearing us apart
that was destroying the planet not the recent catastrophe that’s bringing us together