The Armenian Genocide Poem

By Bijay Kant Dubey

(There is no religion greater than this humanity.
There is no victory greater than pardon and forgiveness.
The victory of the bloody sword cannot last long.
The coat of arms cannot be dreaded.
The emperor too will have his last days.
What sort of king is he if he is fanatical and orthodox?)

They too were the subjects
But just for the anti-Armenian sentiment,
The Armenians were deported, starved and transferred
From their places, homelands to be exterminated,
Left to their poor destitute,
For no fault of theirs
As they were the Armenians,
Which but the king too needed to take care of
Even though the subjects were not
Of his race and clan, faith and belief.

How had it been the kings who just passed laws
To deport, plan for mass murders,
Hatching conspiracies against their extermination,
Elimination from their homes and lands
And territories which but turned them into
Murderous rulers, callous and cruel,
Bloody and barbaric and brutal
And the kings cannot be as such
Biased and prejudiced?

The Armenian genocide was one of the war crimes
Ever committed in the world history,
The Armenian deportation of the common innocent people
From one place to another just for to be one of
A different religion, faith and belief,
Just for to be theocratic and sectarian,
The pages writ in blood, murder and looting
Telling of the Hamidian and other inhuman massacres,
The fields full of dead bodies.

For what fault of theirs, they were deported,
Punished and massacred, driven out
Of their homes and territories,
For what fault of theirs,
Just for to be the Armenians,
Armenian by faith and temperament,
Not of their belief system,
Was it, was it the reason for extermination,
And if this is, can it be as such for rule over any dominion?