The Flu By Anonymous
The gods let thru that fiendish flu upon me last week Sunday – No fiercer storm than racked my form e’er swept the Bay of Fundy; But now good-bye to drugs, say I – Good-bye to gnawing sorrow; I am up today, and, whoop, hooray! I’m going out tomorrow!
“What aches and pain in bones and brain I had, I need not mention; it seems to me such pangs must be Old Satan’s own invention; Albeit I was sure I’d die, the doctor reassured me – and, sure enough, with his vile stuff, he ultimately cured me.
“‘Twas hard, and yet I’ll soon forget those ills and cures distressing; one’s future lies ‘neath gorgeous skies when one is convalescing! So now, good-bye to drugs, say I – Good-bye, thou phantom sorrow! I am up today! And, whoop, hooray! I’m going out tomorrow!”
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.