The Tree Of Irony

By Randy Freie

In a town down in Texas,
There lived a man in a tree.
He used to be a Sailor,
And spent his life out at sea.

After twelve years of service,
His fate then cruely got him.
When sailing around the Horn,
His ship went to the bottom.

The papers called it tragic,
The death of one hundred men.
And as the lone survivor,
Swore he’d never sail again.

Then he moved to El Paso,
Built a cabin in an Elm.
He said goodbye to the water,
And that tree became his realm.

For twenty years he lived there,
But not a friend did he make.
How ironic when a twister,
Dropped his cabin in a lake.

Though he drowned that rainy day,
You know Heaven wouldn’t cheat him.
When he reached the Pearly Gates,
All his shipmates there to greet him.

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