
By Asif Manzoor Bhat

Sunsets never upset me,
The dusk here is dawn somewhere.
The ball of fire will rise again,
Without a blink of procrastination,
But these cascades of water,
these waterfalls, Turn me potamophobic
I scare the fall, the froth, those white pools,
I fear the fall after the fall.
Sunsets gift sleep, tranquility,
Morphine to painful souls.
Covers deep wounds with clots,
Palpitates the dead hearts.
But waterfalls roar like wild lions
Make tumult at serene scenes
Fade the jagged edges of the rocks
Mark them with unseen scars.
Be the sun, burn like sun
When you fall, rise like sun
Don t fall ever, like falling waters
which loose height and never fight.

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