17+ Uncharted Poems About Mental Health
We are taught from a young age that it is not polite to talk about our feelings and that mental health issues are shameful. This leaves people struggling with mental health issues feeling isolated and alone. But we need to start talking about mental health.
It is time to break the silence and bring these issues out. And what better way to do that than through poetry? This collection features eighteen poems about mental health, written by poets from around the world.
These poems offer a powerful and insightful glimpse into the mind of someone who is struggling with mental illness.
What Are The Best Poems About Mental Health?
We hope you’ve found some new poems to read and share with friends, family members, or even your therapist.
With the prevalence of mental health issues in our society today, it can be difficult for people struggling to get through a day without feeling overwhelmed by feelings of depression or anxiety.
When we feel alone, reading poetry can help us connect with others who have been there before us and express thoughts that might otherwise go unheard.
Poetry is a powerful way to heal from an illness – so if you’re looking for support while going through a tough time in life, try these mental health poems!