Firing Squad

By Hasmukh Amathalal

Whose hands should have been hand cuffed and blind folded?
To face a death penalty and possible murder in cold
Can this practice be not put on permanent hold?
Can this be construed as cowardice act or bold?

Still this practiced is on in this civilized world
Reminiscences of cruel days yet not put in cold
Human lives at stake and honest living is marginalized
Fight for freedom and liberty is penalized

Our forefathers and champions always emphasized
Need to struggle for rights and honors energized
“Live and let others live” slogan should be patronized
Need to struggle for human rights should be intensified

Fruits of their struggle may not go in vain,
Struggle for rule and power will always remain,
With a view to have sway under their domain,
Rest all to suffer heavily under agony and pain,

What did they get for their struggle in return?
Old hard days of draconian rule and ugly turn
Misery, poverty and humanity on actual run
Autocratic rule and decisions at point of gun

Still end of peaceful struggle is not in sight
People still crushed, ruled under power or might
Those who continued with weapon and fight
Vanished and never saw a future in a day’s light

Normal citizens face brutal police assault
Wanton killing and wounds are rubbed with salt
You fill in their coffers with wealth?
You shall be fine with the state of health

You may witness fake encounters and executions
Innocents will be punished under the name of institutions
You will face firing squads with inhuman brutality
People all over the world with different nationality 

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